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Chemistry Practical Class 12


Kitiyala Jamir

Updated on 09th February, 2023 , 4 min read

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Practicals 2022

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Practicals are based on Chemistry Concepts such as surface chemistry, thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, chromatography, functional groups in organic compounds, electrochemistry, cations, quantitative analysis, anions, and so on.

  • In this article, we have compiled all of the information pertinent to Chemistry Practical Class 12 CBSE in order to assist students in achieving high marks in CBSE Class 12 Chemistry exams. Chemistry practical syllabus, practical projects, and practical exam question papers are all available to students. Continue reading this article to learn more about how to ace the Class 12 Chemistry exam.

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Practical 2023: Marking Scheme

It is critical for students to focus on achieving high marks in all activities associated with Chemistry lab practicals. This improves students' overall performance in the Class 12 board exams. In the table below, we have provided the evaluation scheme for the practical examination.

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Practical Examination Marking Scheme

Volumetric Analysis 


Salt Analysis 


Content-Based Experiment 


Project Work and Viva


Total Marks


CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Practical Syllabus

The detailed syllabus for CBSE Class 12 Chemistry practicals is provided below. For a variety of practical experiments, micro-chemical methods are available. These strategies ought to be applied whenever possible.

A. Surface Chemistry

(a) Preparation of one lyophilic and one lyophobic sol 

Lyophilic sol – starch, egg albumin and gum

Lyophobic sol – aluminium hydroxide, ferric hydroxide, arsenous sulphide.


(b) Dialysis of the above-mentioned sol.

(c) Study of the role of emulsifying agents in stabilizing the emulsion of different oils

B. Chemical Kinetics

(a) Effect of concentration and temperature on the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid

(b) Investigate the reaction rates of any of the following:

  •  Reaction of the iodide ion with Hydrogen Peroxide at room temperature using different concentrations of Iodide ions
  •  Reaction between Potassium Iodate (KIO3) and Sodium Sulphite: (Na2SO3) using starch solution as an indicator (clock reaction). 

C. Thermochemistry

Any one of the following experiments 

  •  Enthalpy of dissolution of Copper Sulphate or Potassium Nitrate.
  •  Enthalpy of neutralization of strong acid (HCI) and strong base (NaOH).
  • Determination of enthaply change during acetone-chloroform interaction (hydrogen bond formation).

D. Electrochemistry

  • Variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+|| Cu2+/Cu with electrolyte concentration (CuSO4 or ZnSO4) at room temperature

E. Chromatography

  •  Paper chromatography separation of pigments from extracts of leaves and flowers and calculation of Rf values.
  •  Separation of constituents in an inorganic mixture that only contains two cations (provide constituents with a significant difference in Rf values).

F. Preparation of Inorganic Compounds

Making a double salt of ferrous ammonium sulphate or potassium alum. Potassium Ferric Oxalate Preparation.

G. Preparation of Organic Compounds

Preparation of any one of the following compounds

  • iAcetanilide 
  • Di -benzalAcetone
  •  p-Nitroacetanilide
  •  Aniline yellow or 2 -Naphthol Anilinedye

H. Tests for the presence of functional groups in organic compounds:

Alcoholic, phenolic, aldehydic, ketonic, carboxylic, and amino (Primary) groups.

I. Carbohydrate, fat, and protein characterization tests in pure samples and their detection in given foodstuffs.

J. Determination of KMnO4 solution concentration/molarity by titration against a standard solution of:

(a) Oxalic acid

(b) Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (Students will be required to weigh themselves to prepare standard solutions)

K. Qualitative analysis

Determination of one anion and one cation in a given salt

  • Pb2+, Cu2+ As3+, Aℓ3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+


  • (CO3)2-, S2-, (SO3)2-, (NO2)-, (SO4)2-, Cℓ-, Br-, I-, (PO4)3-, (C2O4)2-, CH3COO-, NO3-

(Note: Insoluble salts excluded).

Chemistry Practical Class 12 Preparation Tips

Chemistry Class 12 Practicals are extremely important for scoring well in the final Board Exams because they are worth 30 points. Some helpful hints for preparing for the practicals are as follows:

  • The principle working behind the specific experiment can only be understood if you read the question carefully and thoroughly. If you understand the concept of each experiment performed in class, performing it is not a difficult task.
  • Learn how to carry out the experiment: Make a plan for carrying out the experiment that has been assigned to you. Procedures vary depending on the experiment. So you should understand how an experiment is to be carried out and what equipment is required for that experiment.
  • Don't cram the readings: Because different apparatus have different specifications, the set of readings obtained this time may differ from those obtained during class. It is preferable to review your fundamentals rather than cram. 
  • Understand diagrams and circuits: Visualize and draw rough diagrams for the experiments. During the exam, the examiner may come and reset all of your apparatus settings to see if they were not preset and may request that you reconstruct the entire setting
  • Be confident during the practical examination: Stay calm during the experiment and document the entire procedure you follow so that you can answer oral questions asked by the examiner in the oral exam after the practical. 

Chemistry Practical Project Class 12 CBSE

  • Some of the projects for the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Practicals are listed below:
  • The presence of oxalate ions in guava fruit at various stages of ripening was investigated. 
  • The effect of potassium bisulphate as a food preservative under various conditions (temperature, concentration, time, and so on) was investigated.
  • Essential oils extracted from Saunf (aniseed), Ajwain (carum), and Illaichi (cardamom).
  • The investigation of common food adulterants in fat, oil, butter, sugar, turmeric powder, chili powder, and pepper.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many practicals are there in chemistry 12?

The question paper distributed to students should be typed legibly. It should include 15 practical skill-based very short answer questions.

Is Class 12 practicals easy?

Yes, it is relatively simple to obtain good/full marks in class 12th practicals. All you have to do is conduct experiments and provide appropriate answers in the viva.

What is the time duration for CBSE board Chemistry practical class 12 exam?

The CBSE board practical class 12 exam lasts three hours.

How do I study for Chemistry Practical Class 12 exam?

First and foremost, comprehend the Practical Exam questions. Then go through each salt analysis experiment one by one. Learn by heart the specific experiments and observations, as well as the groups involved. Learn properly and sequentially experiments.

How are practicals conducted in 12?

External examiners appointed by the board will conduct class 12th practical exams, while internal examiners will be used for class 10th.

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