Exam Analysis: MAT 2019 (PBT) February Session was Moderately Difficult | CollegeSearch

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Exam Analysis: MAT 2019 (PBT) February Session was Moderately Difficult


Kasturi Talukdar

Updated on 20th February, 2019 , 3 min read

The pen paper-based (PBT) of MAT 2019 February session was successfully conducted throughout the nation on February 17, 2019, by All India Management Association (AIMA). The exam was conducted in one session of 2 hours 30 minutes between 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM across the variously assigned examination center.  The aspirants who took the examination in this session can check the detailed exam analysis here and determine the expected cutoff of the examination this year. Candidates who are going to appear for MAT CBT 2019 February scheduled to be conducted on February 23, 2019, will also be benefitted with the exam analysis. Below is the section wise analysis of the exam.


MAT 2019 Scoring Pattern:

The scoring pattern of MAT 2019 is based on the raw scores obtained by the candidate. The score is multiplied by 4 which is scaled and valid for all the 5 sections and total score are allotted out of maximum 800 marks. The final score allotted will be the total composite score obtained in the MAT and will be converted in percentile in the final MAT Scorecard.

As mentioned in the scoring pattern above, we will further present the section-wise and overall exam analysis for more clarification.

MAT 2019 Exam Sections:

The entire question paper of MAT 2019 is divided into a total of five sections as Language comprehension, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Mathematical Skills, and, Indian and Global Environment. Each section comprised of 40 questions also it is important to note that the final section i.e Indian and Global Environment is not calculated in the overall percentile and scoring.

Section 1: Language Comprehension

The first section of the Management Aptitude Test examination is Language Comprehension which consists of a total of 40 objective type questions. The section aims to evaluate language aptitude of the candidate. There were 4 reading comprehension passages of approximately 500 words with 20 related questions. This year the section was “moderately difficult” with questions asked includes Jumbled Paragraphs antonyms, synonyms, one-word substitution, errors in Sentence formation, fill in the blanks with correct vocabulary words, and phrases and idioms substitution by correct words. Any candidate who is able to attend at least 28 to 30 questions is in a good position to score well.

Section 2: Mathematical Skills

To evaluate quantitative aptitude skill of the aspirant the mathematical section of MAT question paper includes questions from the topics of the Arithmetic approach like percentages, interest, Time and work, partnership, profit, and loss. The section contains 15 to 16 questions with easy to moderate in difficulty level. The section also had questions from other fields of mathematics like Equations, Ratio, Geometry & Mensuration, Permutation and Combinations, Proportion and Variation, Probability. Aspirant successfully attempting 30 questions have a strong chance to score an overall percentile of 90+ in this particular section.

Section 3: Data Analysis and Sufficiency

The section contains a total of 40 questions aiming to test the data interpretation ability of a candidate. The questions from topics like Data Interpretation (DI) are asked in the majority, candidates were asked objective questions on related topics such as Graphs, Pie charts, bar diagrams, charts, line graph, and data comparison. The particular section was time-consuming and was quite difficult from other sections and ay candidate attempting 25+ questions with maximum accuracy will also score well in overall percentage.

Section 4: Intelligence and Critical Reasoning

This particular section focus on evaluating the analytical and Logical Reasoning skills of a candidate and maximum questions are asked from Family Relation, Statements-Cause and Effect, Clocks and Calendars, Statement on Assumptions, Reasons, analogies, direction, series, incorrect terms. This particular section is also lengthy and mentally fatiguing with a high difficulty level. Candidate attempting at least 20 questions can be considered in a good position.

Section 5: Indian and Global Environment

This particular section is not contributing to the final marks, this is one of the easiest section in the MAT 2019 PBT February Question Paper. The time taking to complete this section is relatively easy and questions include questions from various topics such as Film Awards, taxation, and duties, Indian constitution, Who’s who, States of India, Indian Politics, Sports, latest happenings around the world. Candidates were also asked questions based on General Knowledge topics, business, and economics, current affairs, international affairs.

Overall MAT 2019 PBT February Exam Analysis:

In this session of MAT examination, a total of 200 objective type questions were asked divided into 5 sections. Each question carry 1 marks and for a correct answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. The sections mere mixed in difficulty level and overall examination was moderately difficult.

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