IIT Madras, the conducting body for JAM 2024, has kept the IIT JAM Syllabus unchanged this year. The IIT JAM Biotechnology syllabus comprises four sections: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics. Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry are the topics with the highest weightage in the IIT JAM Biotechnology paper.
The IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus includes crucial topics such as Real Analysis and Calculus of Single Variable, which carry weightages of 21% and 18% respectively in the exam.
The IIT JAM 2024 Exam is scheduled for February 11, 2024, and is conducted online as a 3-hour computer-based test. Each IIT JAM question paper contains 60 questions, totaling 100 marks.
Sequences and Series of Real Numbers, Functions of Two Real Variables, Differential Equations, Vector Calculus, Group Theory, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis
IIT JAM Physics Syllabus
Mathematical Methods, Mechanics and General Properties of Matter, Oscillations, Waves and Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, kinetic theory, Thermodynamics, Modern Physics, solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics, Simple Oscillators
IIT JAM Economy Syllabus
Consumer theory, Production, costs with perfectly competitive markets, General equilibrium and welfare, Market structure, Game theory, Public goods and market failure, National Income Accounting, Behavioural and Technological Functions, Business Cycles and Economic Models
IIT JAM Syllabus for Mathematics
The IIT JAM Mathematics syllabus covers topics such as Linear Algebra, Calculus, Group Theory, and more. Refer to the recommended topics and chapters for the IIT JAM exam.
Sequences and Series of Real Numbers
Real Analysis
Series of real numbers, absolute convergence, tests of convergence for series of positive terms
Rank and inverse of a matrix
Functions of Two or Three Real Variables
Linear Algebra
Integral Calculus
Group Theory
Double and triple integrals
Vector Calculus
Differential Equations
IIT JAM Syllabus for Biotechnology
The IIT JAM Biotechnology test paper includes four subjects. Students can review the IIT JAM 2024 Biotechnology syllabus below:
The questions in the Biology section of the IIT JAM Biotechnology test paper are of the 10+2+3 level. To excel in this section, candidates should study the following topics:
General Biology
Biochemistry and Physiology
Basic Biotechnology
Molecular Biology
Cell Biology
The questions in the Mathematics section of IIT JAM 2024 are of the 10+2 level. To do well in this section, candidates should study the following topics:
Sets, Relations and Functions
Mathematical Induction
Complex numbers
Linear and Quadratic equations
Sequences and Series
Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates
Straight lines and Family
Conic Sections
Permutations and Combinations
Binomial Theorem
Exponential and Logarithmic Series
Mathematical Logic
Three Dimensional Geometry
Matrices and Determinants
Boolean Algebra
limits and Continuity
Application of Derivatives
Definite and Indefinite Integrals
Differential Equations
The questions in the Physics section of IIT JAM 2024 are at the 10+2 level. To excel in this section, candidates should study the following topics:
Physical World and Measurement
Elementary Statics and Dynamics
Laws of Motion
Energy and Power
Current electricity
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
Electromagnetic waves
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations
Atomic Nucleus
Solids and Semiconductor Devices
Principles of Communication
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
Heat and Thermodynamics
Oscillations, Waves
IIT JAM Syllabus for Physics
The IIT JAM Physics syllabus includes topics such as Electricity and Magnetism, which covers sub-topics like Coulomb's Law and Gauss's Law, among others. For the upcoming IIT JAM 2024 exam, students should study the following topics:
Mathematical Methods
Mechanics and General Properties of Matter
Oscillations, Waves and Optics
Electricity and Magnetism
Kinetic theory and Thermodynamics
IIT JAM Syllabus for Chemistry
The JAM Chemistry test paper comprises three subjects: Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. The detailed syllabus for each section is discussed below:
Physical Chemistry
Basic Mathematical Concepts
Functions; maxima and minima; integrals; ordinary differential equations; vectors and matrices; determinants; elementary statistics and probability theory.
Atomic and Molecular Structure
Fundamental particles; Bohr’s theory of hydrogen-like atom; wave-particle duality; uncertainty principle; Schrödinger’s wave equation; quantum numbers; shapes of orbitals; Hund’s rule and Pauli’s exclusion principle; electronic configuration of simple homonuclear diatomic molecules.
Theory of Gases
Equation of state for ideal and non-ideal (van der Waals) gasses; Kinetic theory of gasses; Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law; equipartition of energy.
Solid State
Crystals and crystal systems; X-rays; NaCl and KCl structures; close packing; atomic and ionic radii; radius ratio rules; lattice energy; Born-Haber cycle; isomorphism; heat capacity of solids.
Chemical Thermodynamics
Reversible and irreversible processes; first law and its application to ideal and nonideal gases; thermochemistry; second law; entropy and free energy; criteria for spontaneity.
Chemical and Phase Equilibria
Law of mass action; Kp, Kc, Kx and Kn; effect of temperature on K; ionic equilibria in solutions; pH and buffer solutions; hydrolysis; solubility product; phase equilibria–phase rule and its application to one-component and two-component systems; colligative properties.
Conductance and its applications; transport number; galvanic cells; EMF and free energy; concentration cells with and without transport; polarography; concentration cells with and without transport; Debye-Huckel-Onsagar theory of strong electrolytes.
Chemical Kinetics
Reactions of various order; Arrhenius equation; collision theory; transition state theory; chain reactions – normal and branched; enzyme kinetics; photochemical processes; catalysis.
Gibbs adsorption equation; adsorption isotherm; types of adsorption; surface area of adsorbents; surface films on liquids.
Beer-Lambert law; fundamental concepts of rotational, vibrational, electronic and magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Organic Chemistry
Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry
Electronic effects (resonance, inductive, hyperconjugation) and steric effects and its applications (acid/base property); optical isomerism in compounds with and without any stereocenters (allenes, biphenyls); conformation of acyclic systems (substituted ethane/n-propane/n-butane) and cyclic systems (mono- and di-substituted cyclohexanes).
Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications
Chemistry of reactive intermediates (carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, benzynes etc.); Hofmann-Curtius-Lossen rearrangement, Wolff rearrangement, Simmons-Smith reaction, Reimer-Tiemann reaction, Michael reaction, Darzens reaction, Wittig reaction and McMurry reaction; Pinacol-pinacolone, Favorskii, benzilic acid rearrangement, dienone-phenol rearrangement, Baeyer-Villeger reaction; oxidation and reduction reactions in organic chemistry; organometallic reagents in organic synthesis (Grignard, organolithium and organocopper); Diels-Alder, electrocyclic and sigmatropic reactions; functional group interconversions and structural problems using chemical reactions.
Qualitative Organic Analysis
Identification of functional groups by chemical tests; elementary UV, IR, and 1H NMR spectroscopic techniques as tools for structural elucidation.
Chemistry of alkaloids, steroids, terpenes, carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides, and nucleic acids.
Natural Products Chemistry
Aromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry: Monocyclic, bicyclic and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and monocyclic compounds with one hetero atom: synthesis, reactivity, and properties.
Inorganic Chemistry
Periodic Table
Periodic classification of elements and periodicity in properties; general methods of isolation and purification of elements.
Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds
Types of bonding; VSEPR theory and shapes of molecules; hybridization; dipole moment; ionic solids; structure of NaCl, CsCl, diamond, and graphite; lattice energy.
Main Group Elements (s and p blocks)
General concepts on group relationships and gradation in properties; structure of electron-deficient compounds involving main group elements.
Transition Metals (d block)
Characteristics of 3d elements; oxide, hydroxide, and salts of first row metals; coordination complexes: structure, isomerism, reaction mechanism, and electronic spectra; VB, MO and Crystal Field theoretical approaches for structure, color, and magnetic properties of metal complexes; organometallic compounds having ligands with back bonding capabilities such as metal carbonyls, carbenes, nitrosyls, and metallocenes; homogenous catalysis.
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Essentials and trace elements of life; basic reactions in the biological systems and the role of metal ions, especially Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+, and Zn2+; structure and function of hemoglobin and myoglobin and carbonic anhydrase.
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Basic principles; instrumentations and simple applications of conductometry, potentiometry, and UV-vis spectrophotometry; analysis of water, air and soil samples.
Analytical Chemistry
Principles of qualitative and quantitative analysis; acid-base, oxidation-reduction and complexometric titrations using EDTA; precipitation reactions; use of indicators; use of organic reagents in inorganic analysis; radioactivity; nuclear reactions; applications of isotopes.
IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Syllabus 2024
The IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics syllabus includes the following topics and sub-topics discussed below:
Sequences and Series
Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus
Random Variables
Joint Distributions
Standard Distributions
Sampling Distributions and Limit Theorems
Testing of Hypotheses
IIT JAM Geology Syllabus 2024
IIT JAM Geology syllabus is given below
The Planet Earth
Applied Geology
Structural Geology
Economic Geology
IIT JAM Syllabus for Economics 2024
Below is the detailed IIT JAM Economics syllabus for Macroeconomics, Statistics for Economics, and other important topics.
National income accounting
Structure, key concepts, measurements, and circular flow of income - for closed and open economy, money, fiscal and foreign sector variables - concepts and measurements.
Behavioral and technological functions
Consumption functions - absolute income hypothesis, life-cycle and permanent income hypothesis, random walk model of consumption, investment functions - Keynesian, money demand and supply functions, production function.
Business cycles and economic models (closed economy)
Business cycles-facts and features, the Classical model of the business cycle, the Keynesian model of the business cycle, simple Keynesian cross model of income and employment determination and the multiplier (in a closed economy), IS-LM Model, Hicks' IS-LM synthesis, role of monetary and fiscal policies.
Business cycles and economic models (open economy)
Open economy, Mundell-Fleming model, Keynesian flexible price (aggregate demand and aggregate supply) model, role of monetary and fiscal policies.
Statistics for Economics
Probability theory
Sample space and events, axioms of probability and their properties, conditional probability and Bayes’ rule, independent events, random variables and probability distributions, expectation, variance and higher order moments, functions of random variables, properties of commonly used discrete and continuous distributions, density and distribution functions for jointly distributed random variables, mean and variance of jointly distributed random variables, covariance and correlation coefficients.
Mathematical statistics
Random sampling, types of sampling, point and interval estimation, estimation of population parameters using methods of moments and maximum likelihood procedures, properties of estimators, sampling distribution, confidence intervals, central limit theorem, law of large numbers.
IIT JAM Indian Economy
Indian economy before 1950
Transfer of tribute, deindustrialization of India. Planning and Indian development: Planning models, relation between agricultural and industrial growth, challenges faced by Indian planning. Indian economy after 1991: Balance of payments crisis in 1991, major aspects of economic reforms in India after 1991, reforms in trade and foreign investment.
Banking, finance and macroeconomic policies
Aspects of banking in India, CRR and SLR, financial sector reforms in India, fiscal and monetary policy, savings and investment rates in India. Inequalities in social development: India’s achievements in health, education and other social sectors, disparities between Indian States in human development. Poverty: Methodology of poverty estimation, Issues in poverty estimation in India. India’s labor market: unemployment, labor force participation rates.
Mathematics for Economics
Preliminaries and functions
Set theory and number theory, elementary functions: quadratic, polynomial, power, exponential, logarithmic, functions of several variables, graphs and level curves, convex set, concavity and quasiconcavity of function, convexity and quasi-convexity of functions, sequences and series: convergence, algebraic properties and applications, complex numbers and its geometrical representation, De Moivre’s theorem and its application.
Differential calculus
Limits, continuity and differentiability, mean value theorems, Taylor’s theorem, partial differentiation, gradient, chain rule, second and higher order derivatives: properties and applications, implicit function theorem, and application to comparative statics problems, homogeneous and homothetic functions: characteristics and applications.
Integral calculus
Definite integrals, fundamental theorems, indefinite integrals and applications.
IIT JAM Preparation 2024
IIT JAM is a competitive entrance exam, and students need a strategic action plan to perform well. Here are some important points to consider while formulating your IIT JAM preparation strategy:
Steps to begin preparing for the IIT JAM Exam:
Know the IIT JAM Syllabus 2024
To excel in IIT JAM 2024, students should thoroughly review the syllabus. Understanding which topics need in-depth study and which require only a superficial understanding is crucial. Students should formulate a strategy based on the following points:
1. Create a subject-wise list of topics. 2. Categorize the topics into easy and difficult based on personal experience. 3. Identify the topics with the highest weightage (based on previous years' question papers). 4. Most importantly, understand the IIT JAM 2024 exam pattern and marking scheme.
Make a TimeTable
A crucial aspect of the IIT JAM 2024 preparation plan is to create a timetable. Students are advised to make a detailed plan for JAM 2024. When preparing a timetable, it's important to ensure the syllabus is completed and all key topics are studied thoroughly. Additionally, candidates should also create a specific timetable for the last month of IIT JAM 2024 preparation, focusing on revising the syllabus and attempting as many past years' question papers, sample papers, and mock tests as possible.
Solve mock tests, past year question papers, sample papers
After completing a topic, the best way for candidates to test their understanding is by solving as many sample papers, previous years' question papers, and mock tests as possible. By working through IIT JAM previous years' question papers and mock tests, candidates can determine the best approach for tackling the actual IIT JAM 2024 question paper. Additionally, sample papers help candidates identify their strengths and weaknesses and assist in developing a time management strategy for the IIT JAM 2024 exam.