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Scientific Name of Rose: Definitions, Evolution, Fun Facts, Classification, Characteristics, Species and Significance

Nikita Parmar

Updated on 22nd September, 2023 , 6 min read

Scientific Name of Rose Overview

Rose's scientific name is Rosa Rubiginosa. Roses are categorized as blooming plants that belong to the genus Rosa and there are about 360 identified species of them. Roses are distinguished by their thorny stems and several layers of beautiful petals. According to fossil evidence, roses have been existing for over 35 million years. Diverse types of roses have diverse colors, making them ideal for both landscaping and decorative uses. Additionally, one of the most popular uses for roses is in the production of perfume.

What is a Rose?

A rose is either the flower it produces or a woody perennial blooming plant of the genus Rosa in the family Rosaceae. There are tens of thousands of cultivars and more than 300 species. They comprise a category of plants with stems that are frequently covered with tiny prickles, and they can be upright shrubsclimbing, or trailing. Their blooms range in size and form, are often enormous and spectacular, and come in a variety of hues, including white, yellow, and red. Smaller numbers of species are native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa, but the majority are from Asia. Many species, cultivars, and hybrids are produced for their attractiveness and frequently aromatic qualities. In many countries, roses have taken on cultural importance. Rose bushes come in a variety of sizes, from little, compact roses to climbers that may stand seven meters tall. It is simple for different varieties to cross-pollinate, which has contributed to the large variety of garden roses that are available today.

Scientific Name of Rose

Examples of Rose

The following are some examples of roses-

  1. Beach Rose
  2. China Rose
  3. Damask Rose
  4. Dog-Rose
  5. Eden Rose 85
  6. French Rose
  7. Knock Out Rose
  8. Mr. Lincoln Rose
  9. Multiflora Rose
  10. Rosa Peace
  11. Sweet-Brier Rose
  12. White Rose of York 

Scientific Name of Rose

Scientific Name of Rose: Evolution of Rose

The earliest rose fossils come from Colorado's Late Eocene Florissant Formation. By the early Oligocene, roses had already arrived throughout Europe. Today's garden roses originated in China in the eighteenth century. The Old Blush group of ancient Chinese garden roses is the most simple, whilst newer groupings are the most varied.

Scientific Name of Rose

Scientific Name of Rose: Fun Facts about Rose

The following are some of the fun related facts about roses-

  1. A blue-colored kind of rose is known as the "Blue Rose."
  2. In the past, Rome used roses as money.
  3. The almost 1,000-year-old world's oldest live rose may be discovered in a German church.
  4. The biggest rose ever measured has a diameter of more than 33 inches.

Scientific Name of Rose: Classifications of Rose

Old Garden Roses and Modern Roses are the two categories into which roses are divided, which are as follows-

  1. Old Garden Roses: They are rose varieties that were available before 1867. These roses come in a variety of colors, frequently have enormous blooms, and are fragrant. They are resilient and simple to cultivate.

Scientific Name of Rose

2. Modern Garden Roses: Roses classified as modern are ones that were released after 1867. These roses come in a variety of colors, have smaller blooms, and are frequently less fragrant. They can be more challenging to cultivate and are less resilient than Old Garden Roses.

Scientific Name of Rose

Scientific Name of Rose: Rosa Rubiginosa

The Indo-European languages of antiquity are the source of the Latin term "rosa". The Latin word "rosa" specifically refers to the flower we now know as the rose. The Proto-Indo-European root word "wdho" or "wdho-s," which denotes "thorn" or "prickle," is thought to have some relationship to the origin of the word "rosa." This comparison illustrates how thorny rose stems are.

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Botanical Name of Rose

The rose is known by its scientific name, Rosa. Rosa is the name of a genus of flowering plants in the Rosaceae family. The number of rose species exceeds 300. They are not woody plants; rather, they are herbaceous. The Northern Hemisphere is where roses are native. They may be found all over the world in temperate climates. Roses must be cultivated in protected places in cold regions since they are not frost-tolerant.

Scientific Name of Rose: Characteristics of Rose

The following are some of the characteristics of rose-

  1. Due to their remarkable flexibility for hybridization, roses are easy to grow and develop in gardens.
  2. Of the approximately 300 species of roses that exist worldwide, there are about 10,000 varieties.
  3. The blossoms of several types of roses vary in size and color, including red, white, yellow, blue, and others.
  4. The Rosaceae family and Rosa genus include the woody perennial plants known as roses.
  5. They can develop into upright shrubs or stem-supported climbers, among other forms of growth.
  6. Several rose species are native to Europe, North America, and other regions, while the bulk of rose species are Asian in origin.

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Biological Classification of Rose

Biological categorization is used to present species in accordance with their similarities and differences, to learn about the origin and evolution of a species, and to facilitate identification. The following is a list of roses' biological classifications-

Kingdom - Plantae

Phylum - Angiosperma

Class - Eudicot

Order - Rosales

Family - Rosaceae

Genus - Rosa

Species - Rubiginosa

Scientific Name of Rose: Species of Rose

Roses are categorized as flowering plants of the genus Rosa and have been found to exist in 360 species. All roses have thorns in the stems and several layers of delicate petals. Statistics based on fossil data indicate that roses maybe 35 million years old. Depending on the species, they come in different colors. As a result, they are used for both decorative and landscaping reasons. One of the most common applications for roses is the production of scent.

Read more about the Scientific Names of Animals and Plants.

Scientific Name of Rose: Cultural and Symbolic Significance of Roses

For millennia, roses have served as a cultural and symbolic emblem. They are frequently used at weddings as a sign of commitment, love, and passion. As a reminder of the past, roses are sometimes utilized in religious events. However, roses represent more than simply beauty and love. Additionally, their therapeutic qualities are utilized. In aromatherapy, rose oil is frequently used to encourage relaxation and lessen tension. Rose petals are advantageous for skin care since they are high in antioxidants and contain anti-inflammatory qualities.

Read more about Macronutrients in Plants and Plant Fibres (Cotton and Jute).

Points to Remember

  1. The genus Rosa and family Rosaceae are home to the rose.
  2. There are around 360 different species of roses worldwide.
  3. Rosa indica is the botanical name for the Indian rose.


We shall thus examine the name of the Rose, often regarded as the most beautiful flower in the world. Wild roses, which as we all know have extensive root systems, offer great support on steep slopes and in other difficult-to-reach places. At the end of the summer, rosehips, which resemble little apples, appear and can last all the way through the winter. Hips, which are rich in vitamins A and C, are a crucial source of food for animals and birds in the winter.

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