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Time to create timetable for JEE Advanced


Kasturi Talukdar

Updated on 16th April, 2018 , 4 min read

The JEE Advanced 2018 entrance examination is scheduled to be conducted on May 20, 2018. The JEE Main examination for the academic year 2018 is already over and it's time to start preparations for JEE Advanced. The starting point of preparation for any entrance examination commences from creating a well-planned timetable. It's easy to make timetable but there are numerous factors which contribute to the failure of a timetable. Here are the factors that should be kept in mind while preparing a timetable for JEE advanced examination.

  • Always prepare timetable yourself- The first rule for preparing an effective timetable is that you should prepare timetable yourself. Don't go with the timetable prepared by someone else. Every person has a unique success story and it is suggested that never follow other person's step. Always mend your own ways and when it comes to setting a timetable, then it should be strictly created by yourself.
  • Hours available for studies- Calculate the hours available with you for self-study. Don't create a speculative timetable which is almost impossible for you to follow. You would be having a daily schedule like your daily rituals, going to coaching centre, meeting friends etc. Curtail the events which are not important and stay focused towards your exam. Rather than spending time on something which is not your current priority, plan your hours accordingly in order to spend quality time in preparing for the exam.
  • Days left for examination- Calculate the days left for your examination. Almost a month time is left for JEE Advanced 2018 examination. Calculate the total number of days and equally distribute the subjects accordingly. For instance, the timetable which you prepared three months back will not be that much help in the current situation. That time your priority would be on JEE Main examination. but as the priority has shifted, the timetable should also be re-planned.  
  • Knowing the detailed syllabus of JEE Advanced- Until now you would surely be knowing the detailed syllabus of JEE Advanced 2018. Analyze the syllabus for all three subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics and distribute it equally so that no topic remains unattended.  
  • Weightage of important topics- Always keep the weightage of each topic in mind while preparing timetable. Here is the subject-wise detail of important topics for JEE Advanced 2018:

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  1. Physics: Mechanics is the most important topic for the physics paper. Many questions are asked on this topic in the JEE Advanced exam. Concentrate on Newton's laws of Motion, Universal Law of Gravitation, the law of conservation of linear momentum, the equation of continuity etc. Elasticity is the other most important topic in the Physics paper. Topics like Electricity and magnetism, Thermal Physics, Fluids & Waves & Sound also carry a lot of weightage in the JEE Advanced examination.
  2. Chemistry: The Chemistry section includes Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry. All the three sub-section comprises of equal weightage, but inorganic chemistry is the most scoring section. In Physical Chemistry Section, Mole Concept is referred to be one of the most important topics. Another important topic in this section is Atomic Structure. The General Organic chemistry is the key of organic chemistry section. Other important topics of this section are Named reactions and Organic Synthesis.
  3. Mathematics: One-Third of the Mathematics paper for JEE Advanced exam is from Calculus. You should spend hours on standard formulas and techniques used in this section. Other important topics are Co-ordinate Geometry, Vectors, Algebra and Trigonometry.  
  • Understanding your stronger side and working on weaker side- All of us has a weaker side and a stronger side. Weaker side is referred to the topics in which we are not master. We usually avoid such topics and the stronger side refers to the topic in which we are confident and quite efficient. Balance your weaker and stronger side accordingly. At times aspirant spends too much time working on their weaker topics and finally end up with their stronger side lagged and vice versa. It's true that you need to work more on your weaker sections but dont ignore your stronger side. Keep revising those topics in which you are confident and side by side work hard on your weaker sections.  
  • Correct study material- This is not the right time to start with a new study material. Refer to those books which you have been studying for past two years or for your preparations. Referring new study material might aggravate confusion level and you might end up being completely distracted.
  • Weekly Revision- While planning your timetable, give a proper proportion of time to revision. At times students keep preparing numerous topics and forget to revise previous ones. Plan timetable in a way that all your topics are revised regularly. Practicing previous year papers and mock tests can provide help here. Apart from revision, they will also provide a detailed idea about examination pattern, weightage of various topics, the time taken to answer each question and areas where you are facing the problem.   
  • Stick to your plan- After creating a timetable, the most difficult task is to follow it. Create a timetable which could be followed. Work hard and make sure that you are studying according to the timetable set by you.

Do keep the above-mentioned factors in mind while preparing your JEE Advanced timetable. Feel positive and focused towards your goal and prepare a timetable which will surely contribute to cracking JEE Advanced 2018 examination.

Latest News: JEE Advanced 2018: Format Changed

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