How to Score 250 Out Of 300 Marks in JEE Main Exam | CollegeSearch

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What Is The Best Way To Score 250/300 Marks in JEE Main Exam?


Avantika Bhardwaj

Updated on 04th April, 2024 , 5 min read

 JEE Main 2024 - The National Testing Agency (NTA) being the conducting authority of JEE Main Exam has successfully concluded the first session of JEE Main 2024 Exam and begun JEE Main 2024 Session 2 Exam from April 4, 2024. JEE Main Exam is a computer-based test that is conducted during two sessions i.e. Session 1 and Session 2. The exam is conducted in the months of January and April. Students with higher aspirations have been preparing for JEE Main Exam with all their might as the difficulty level of the exam and number of students appearing in the exam is increasing with every passing year. A proper guidance along with dedication and will has always been the key to perform well in JEE Main Exam or any other examination. This article is all about being able to secure at least 250 out of 300 marks. This is to explain an effective strategy besides your routine study.

Tips to Crack JEE Main Exam

In order to efficiently prepare for any exam, students are advised to visit the official website of JEE Main and check JEE Main Syllabus completely. It is very important to be aware of the topics from which the questions are asked in the exam and their underlying concepts. Students must know how they can implement these concepts to solve questions in the exam. JEE Main Aspirants will be advised to create a balance between all the subjects asked in the exam by allocating and equal amount to them at any given time.

The basic idea to prepare for any exam is to identify one's most productive hours and study these topics thoroughly. Topics that students find most difficult and challenging must be prepared during these productive hours. Any continuous hours of studying must also involve small breaks during students' study sessions. It helps them increase their focus.

Since, students of CBSE Board Exams will also be appearing in JEE Main Exam, they should also know how to maintain balance between their CBSE Board and JEE Main examinations preparation. On one hand, CBSE Board Exams hold importance as they are meant to test students' knowledge and on the other hand, JEE Main Exams are meant to test the implementation of their knowledge gained in school. In CBSE Board Exams, students are expected to solve questions by covering each step while in JEE Main Exam, students' performance is analyzed based on their ability solve questions in the shortest time possible. Students must figure out how they will be able to make the most of their time in school to study for the board exam.

It is a must for JEE Aspirants to understand and go through all the concepts thoroughly, only then they will be able to perform well in their board exams as well as JEE Main Exam. They would be advised to keep JEE Main their priority as it covers all the topics and problems related to them that students might expect to solve during their board exams. Reading and memorizing NCERT Books and NCERT Exemplar thoroughly are must for any preparation strategy.

There is an individual subject wise discussion on how one can prepare for JEE Main Exam:

Preparation Tips for JEE Main Chemistry

Chemistry Syllabus for JEE Main Exam is usually divided into three sections i.e. Physical, Organic, and Inorganic. In order to prepare Physical Chemistry, the aspirants of JEE main would be expected to read NCERT Books thoroughly and work on building their concepts. If you find any particular concept difficult to understand, you can discuss the same with you respective teachers.

After you complete a chapter, students can write all the formulae and key concepts somewhere in their notes prepared for the examination. This would help students refer to these notes while solving problems. It will be beneficial for students to start with problems in NCERT Books and gradually complete the coaching study material shared with them. Solving problems must be taken into consideration after having attained a certain confidence threshold.

While coming to Organic Chemistry, students will be required to go through all the reaction mechanisms mentioned in NCERT Books. It is important to have a thorough knowledge of all the reactions that take place. While preparing for theory, it is important to write down these reactions along with their mechanism process in order to recall them easily.

The inorganic chemistry of these three topics requires memorizing of a vast set of reactions. Along with having gone through NCERT Books of Chemistry, students must also understand their notes well. Maintaining notes is a key to ease in learning topics when required. It is important to go through the notes right before you appear in the examination.

Preparation Tips for JEE Main Mathematics

Mathematics is one of the subjects that students consider difficult. A lot of focus, mathematical skills, devotion, and patience is required to prepare well for Mathematics section of JEE Main Exam. The primary key to success in this section is practice. The more students practice, the more they learn. Students are advised to solve previous years' question papers of JEE Main so that they understand the type of questions and examination pattern in JEE Main Exam.

Many a times, the question paper of JEE Main Exam consists of questions that are a bit lengthy and involve a lot of calculations. Thus, students are expected to identify and pick the easier questions first and attempt them. After having solved all the easy questions, students can move to the questions that are difficult or of a level up. It is a must to keep in mind the important theorems and formulae so that students do not take long while solving these questions and make mistakes in deriving these theorems during the examination.

Since the syllabus of Mathematics is quite vast and the questions are generally asked from the topics: Coordinate Geometry, Vectors and 3D Geometry, Definite Integration, Matrices, and Determinants. Students will be required to pay attention to these chapters as these chapters contribute to the maximum weightage of the section. I would recommend students to study by McGraw Hill Publications.

Questions from previous question papers are undoubtedly an indispensable source to prepare from. It is the best to use these previous years' question papers as mock tests and analyze your performance according to the time taken by you. This will help you understand how you should allot time to the questions asked in the exam and solve them accordingly. This will in turn help you analyze your time management skills and make you learn more.

Preparation Tips for JEE Main Physics

Now, coming to one of the hardest subjects i.e. Physics. This section requires logical thinking skills, a rigorous understanding of the fundamental concepts, and applications of these concepts. Mathematics also plays a major role in order to solve Physics problems. The application of mathematical and logical skills to solve problems is the key to success in Physics section. The key to excel in a subject like Physics is to start with memorizing and analyzing the fundamental problems. Students would be advised to gradually raise the difficulty level of the questions attempted by them and analyzing their mistakes. This strategy would not only help you clearing your concepts but also sharpens your ability to solve problems.  

There are ample of resources to choose the problems from, but students must be able to figure out which one is efficient enough to get their concepts right. Studying and preparing from your coaching's study material will be a good idea before solving JEE Main previous years' question papers. In order to prepare for Physics section of JEE Main, you will be advised to prepare from prominent Physics books such as HC Verma and DC Pandey.

The basic idea and main objective of JEE Main Exam is to test students' knowledge, ability to solve questions, speed, and accuracy. The ideal way of JEE Main Preparation is to focus on getting clear perspective of the concepts that too depth rather than only memorizing the formulae.


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